Medalists - the creators of medals and plaquettes - often put their name, their signatures on their artwork. Still it is not easy to identify the artist of some medals in question. Often happen, that only a small part of the name, or some letters can be read on the medal, and the artist can only be guessed. Although there are printed catalogues, but on one hand they become obsolete in time - missing the new names -, on the other hand it is often painfully hard to find a name in them if only some letters are readable for the identification. The online signatures catalogue aims to solve this problem, as it is intended to contain up-to-date information on the artists. This is a collection of signatures of medalists for easy artist identification of artmedals. Based on images of signatures with search and arrange features. References to Wikipedia, medalists' own site and Forrer: Biographical dictionary of medallists catalogue.
Adams, Herbert | Ahlborn, Lea | Allouard, Henri | Alsing, Hans Frederik | Andrieu, Bertrand | Anert, Christian Sigmund | Antunes, José Maria Cabral | Arondeaux, Robert | Asszonyi, Tamás | Azevedo, Rogério dos Santos de | Balás, Eszter | Balatoni, Klára | Balugani, Filippo | Bánvölgyi, László | Barber, Charles Edward | Baron, Roger Bertrand | Barre, Albert Désiré | Barta, Lajos | Bartholdi, Frédéric Auguste | Bartos, István Péter | Baudichon, René | Bazor, Lucien Georges | Beach, Chester | Bebarska, Joanna | Beck Ötvös, Fülöp | Beck, András | Becker, Edmond Henri | Bénard, Raoul | Berán, Lajos | Berardo, Vasco | Berckel, Theodoor Victor van | Berényi, Lajos | Bergmann, Oskar | Bergslien, Brynjulf | Bertoni, . | Bianchi, Francesco | Blaskó, János | Bleeker, Bernhard | Blin, Édouard Pierre | Blondat, Max | Bodlak, Kurt | Boehm, Josef Daniel | Bognár, György | Boldogfai Farkas, Sándor | Bonnetain, Armand | Borrel, Maurice Valentin | Börsch, Alois | Borsos, Miklós | Boskam, Jan | Bottée, Louis-Alexandre | Bovy, Antoine | Bovy, Hugues | Bozó, Gyula | Braemt, Joseph-Pierre | Breeze, Gary | Brehmer, Friedrich | Breithut, Peter | Brenet, Nicolas-Guy-Antoine | Brenner, Victor David | Breton, Hercule Le | Breuer, Peter | Broggi, Francesco | Búza, Barna | Caetani, Alessandro | Calder, Alexander Stirling | Calvelli, Ettore | Calvi, Gaetano | Caqué, Armand Auguste | Carell, Gustaf (Gösta) Imanuel | Carniol, Mauriciu Fiul | Casella, Ella & Neila | Caunois, François Augustin | Cazenavette, Louise | Cecere, Gaetano | Cerbara, Giuseppe | Cerbara, Joseph (Giuseppe) | Cerbara, Niccolò | Cesarino, Francesco | Chambellan, Rene Paul | Chandler, Elisabeth Gordon | Chaplain, Jules-Clément | Chauvenet, Marcel Marie Auguste | Chavanon, Roger-Louis | Chmielewski, Jan Bohdan | Christlbauer, Josef Christian | Ciobanescu, Codrut | Clark, Jody | Cocciola, Federico | Cochet, Robert | Cogné, François | Coletti, Joseph Arthur | Colley, Geoffrey | Contaux, Georges | Corbin, Raymond | Cormani, . | Cossa, Luigi | Coudray, Marie Alexandre Lucien | Croker, John | Csiby, Mihály | Csíkszentmihályi, Róbert | Csillag, István | Csóka, Zsuzsa | Csontos, László | Csúcs, Ferenc | Czinder, Antal | Dadler, Sebastian | Damkó, József | Dammann, Paul-Marcel | Dantzell, Joseph | Darville, Alphonse | Dassier, Jacques-Antoine | Dassier, Jean | Daub, Eugene L. | De Hondt, François | De Lue, Donald | Delamarre, Raymond | Demeter, Károly | Depaulis, Alexis Joseph | Desaide, Alphonse | Devreese, Godefroid | Dietrich, Hans | Dillens, Julien | Dishoecke, Jacob van | Domard, Joseph-François | Donadio, Angelo | Donner, Matthäus | Donzelli, Antonio | Dropsy, Henri | Dubois, Alphée | Dubois, Henri Alfred Auguste | Dubois, Paul | Dumarest, Rambert | Dupagne, Arthur | Dupont, Louis | Dupré, Augustin | Dupre, Guillaume | Dupuis, Daniel | Durand, Amédée Pierre | Duray, Tibor | Duvivier, Pierre-Simon-Benjamin | Eberbach, Walther | Edvi Illés, György | Eisel, G | Elion, Jacques | Ellenberg, Jürgen | Enhörning, Carl | Esseö, Erzsébet | Eue, Friedrich Wilhelm | Exner, Károly | Eyermann, Bruno | Facius, Angelica Bellonata | Farkas, Ferenc | Fath, Richard | Federn-Staudinger, Luise | Fehér, József | Fehrman, Carl Gustaf | Fehrman, Daniel | Fenwick, Arthur | Fetița, Maximilian | Fisch, Antoine | Fodor, Imrich Csaba | Fozzer, Eraldo | Fragni Parmense, Lorenzo | Francisci, Anthony de | Frapiccini, Ettore Lorenzo | Frei, Hans | French, Daniel Chester | Friedlander, Leo | Fritsche, Thein | Fritz, Mihály | Frudakis, Evangelos | Frumerie, Mauritz | Fulpius, Elisabeth Caroline | Fürst, Moritz | Gabor, Vasile | Gajdácsné Borbély, Gizella | Galeazzi, Gaspare | Galle, André | Garam, Sándor | Gardin Fraser, Laura | Gárdos, Aladár | Gasparro, Frank | Gáti, Gábor | Gatteaux, Jacques-Édouard | Gatteaux, Nicolas-Marie | Gayrard, Raymond | Gennari, Luigi | Gessner, Hans Jakob | Gilioli, Émile | Giorgi, Luigi | Girometti, Giuseppe | Girometti, Pietro | Goetz, Karl | Gorol, Edward | Götze, Martin | Grégoire, René | Grienauer, Edwin | Grosskurt, Heinrich Peter | Gube, Heinrich | Guillemard, Anton | Guiraud, Georges | Günzel, Wolfgang H. | Györfi, Sándor | H. Varga, Ilona | Habich, Ludwig | Hachten, David Gerhard von | Hafner, Emil | Hameran, Johann Andreas | Hamerani, Ermenegildo | Hamerani, Ottone | Hanisch-Concée, Eduard | Hardy, Jacques | Harnisch, Johann Baptist | Hart, Laurent | Hedlinger, Johann Karl von | Heinsdorff, Reinhart | Helfricht, Friedrich Ferdinand | Hellmer, Edmund von | Hemphill, Phebe | Herter, Ernst | Hoeckner, Carl Wilhelm | Hoger, Johann Conrad | Hőgyes, Ferenc | Höhn, Johann | Hoke Harris, Julian | Holl, Albert | Holmgren, Leo | Holtzhey, Johann Georg | Holtzhey, Martin | Holy, Jules | Holzhäuser, Johann Philipp | Homberg, Franz | Homonnay, Jenő | Horauf, Hans Ulrich | Hord, Donal | Hörnlein, Friedrich Wilhelm | Horváth, Sándor | Horváth, Tibor | Howard, Cecil de Blaquiere | Hujer, Ludwig | Huster, Victor | Hyatt Huntington, Anna | Imrey, Lajos | Iván, István | Jacobson, Salomon Ahron | Jákfalvi, József | Jaley, Louis | Jauner, Heinrich | Jehotte, Constant | Jelonek, Hanna | Jennewein, Carl Paul | Jeuffroy, Romain Vincent | Johnson, Stefano | Joly, Raymond | Jonušauskas, Aloyzas | Jouvenel, Adolphe Christian | Józsa, Gábor | Kallio, Niilo Kalervo | Karizs, János | Karlsteen, Arvid | Kaufmann, Hugo | Kautsch, Heinrich | Kawaczynski, Max von | Kelemen, Kristóf | Képíróné Bogár, Lívia | Kiss Kovács, Gyula | Kiss Nagy, András | Kiss, György | Kiss, Sándor | Kissing, Heinrich (?) | Kittel, Johann | Klassohn, Antal | Kleeberg, August | Kligl, Sándor | Knobloch, Milan | Kolářský, Zdeněk | König, Anton Friedrich | König, Helmut | Konyorcsik, János | Kopits, János | Körmendi Frim, Jenő | Korolyuk, Alexey Alexeevich | Kósa, István | Kovanič, Václav Adolf | Kowalski, Grzegorz | Krafft, Johann Martin | Krohn, Frederik \"Frits\" Christopher | Kubászova, Tamara | Kullrich, Friedrich Wilhelm | Kunstmann, Johann Georg | Kunvári, Lilla | Laessle, Albert | Lafleur, Abel | Lagrange, Jean | Lagriffoul, Henri | Lane Weems, Katharine | Lang, Josef Nikolaus | Lange, Konrad | Lapis, András | Lasserre, Firmin-Pierre | László, Péter | Lauffer, Cornelius | Lavrillier, André | Lavy, Amedeo | Lebó, Ferenc | Lechevrel, Alphonse Eugène | Ledel, Dolf | Lefèbvre, Hippolyte | Legastelois, Julien Prosper | Lemaire, Georges Henri | Lenoir, Pierre Charles | Lentelli, Leo | Lesenyei, Márta | Leykauff, Michael | Lieb, Roland Ferenc | Ligeti, Erika | Lindberg, Adolf | Lindberg, Erik | Lisztes, István | Ljungberger, Gustaf | Loos, Daniel Friedrich | Loos, Gottfried Bernhard | Lorenz, Heinrich | Lovett, George Hampden | Lucenti, Girolamo | Lunderberg, Lawrence D. | Machado, Raúl Sousa | Mackennal, Bertram | Madarassy, Walter | Mainwaring, William | Manfredini, Luigi | Manship, Paul | Marey, Charles Gustave de | Marosán, László | Marschall, Rudolf | Martin, Sebald | Martsa, István | Mattei, Louis Octave | Mauger, Jean | Mauquoy, Alphonse Alf | Maura i Montaner, Bartomeu | May, Karl | McKenzie, Robert Tait | Medgyessy, Ferenc | Menna, Joseph F. | Mercandetti, Tommaso | Mercié, Claude Antoine | Mérelle, René | Merényi J., Gina | Merlen, Johann Baptist | Merley, Louis | Mészáros, Andor | Meybusch, Anton | Michaux, Alphonse | Mikus, Sándor | Miró, Eszter | Mistruzzi, Aurelio | Mola, Gasparo | Molart, Michel | Molnár, Elek | Molo, Gaspare | Momoni, Claudia | Montagny, Jean-Pierre | Morgan, George T. | Morghen, Nicola | Morlon, Pierre-Alexandre | Morzsa (Morhardt), Gyula | Mosdóssy, Imre | Mossop, William | Moura, José de | Mouroux, Anie | Müller, Christian Ernst | Muller, Louis | Müller, Philipp Heinrich | Nagy, Ferenc | Nagy, István János | Nebel, Berthold | Nesti, Vittorio | Neuberger, Rudolf | Neuss, Johann Jakob | Nilis, Jacques | Nürnberger, Georg Friedrich | Nyírő, Gyula | Oertel, Otto | Osváth, Mária | Oudiné, Eugène André | Pándi Kiss, János | Pataky, Béla | Patey, Henri-Auguste | Pátzay, Pál | Patzó, Pál | Pawlik, Franz Xaver | Pédery-Hunt, Dóra | Pelletier, Raymond | Perger, Domenico | Peter, Victor | Peternák, Gusztáv | Petit, Louis-Michel | Peuvrier, ? | Pfeuffer, Christoph Carl | Pichler, Luigi | Pieroni, Adolfo | Piffrader, Josef Sepp | Pillet, Charles | Pingo, Thomas | Pingret, Joseph Arnold | Pistrucci, Benedetto | Placht, Richard | Platt, Eleanor | Poisson, Pierre-Marie | Ponce, Daniel | Ponomarew, Serge | Ponscarme, Hubert | Possesse, Albin François de | Preston, Edward Carter | Prud'Homme, Georges-Henri | Putinati, Francesco | Puymaurin, Jean Pierre Casimir de Marcassus | Quérolle, Madeleine Pierre | Radnitzky, Karl | Rancetti, Giorgio | Rank-Broadley, Ian | Rasumny, Felix | Reiss, Albert | Reményi, József | Renard, Marcel | Renner, Kálmán | Renvall, Essi | Restelli, Angelo | Richer, Paul Marie Louis Pierre | Richter, Bengt | Rieber, Karl | Ries, Johann Adam | Rinzi, Giacomo | Rivet, Adolphe | Roberts, Gilroy | Roettiers, Norbert | Rogat, Émile | Roiné, Jules Edouard | Rossi, Giacomo | Roty, Oscar | Roussel, Hiérome (Jérôme) | Runeberg, Walter | Saint-Urbain, Ferdinand de | Salomon, Harald | Samuel, Charles | Santos, dos, Vitor Manuel Fernandes | Scharff, Anton | Schega, Franz Andreas | Schmahlfeld, Friedrich Georg Ludwig | Schmit, I | Schmitt, Balthasar | Schnitzspahn, Christian | Schomer, Ernst | Schultes, Georg | Schultes, Hans | Schwab, André Pierre | Schwab, Karl-Tobias | Schwartz, Stefan | Schwegerle, Hans | Schwenck, Marthe | Schwerdtner, Johann | Seidan, Wenzel | Šejnost, Josef | Senesi, Emilio | Seregély, Dezső | Seregni, Luigi | Shrady, Frederick Charles | Sidló, Ferenc | Simon, Georges | Sirletti, Alfredo | Smeets, Theo | Smeltzing, Jan | Soltra, E. Tamás | Solymári Valkó, László | Somorjai, László | Španiel, Otakar | Speranza, Filippo | Staudigel, Fritz | Stewart, Albert | Stordeur, Jean Baptiste | Susini, Rita | Sz. Egyed, Emma | Szabó, Gábor | Szabó, György | Szabó, Imrefia Béla | Szabó, Virág | Szabolcs, Péter | Szántó, Gergely | Szanyi, Borbála | Szentesy Hiesz, Géza | Szirmai, Antal Tony | Szlávics, László | Szlávics, László ifj. | Sződy, Szilárd | Szöllösy, Enikő | Szomor, László | Szunyogh, László | Taft, Lorado | Tápai, Antal | Tautenhayn, Josef Hermann | Telcs, Ede | Teruggi, Luigi | Thiede, Oskar | Tornay, Endre András | Tőrös, Gábor | Törzsök, Károly | Tóta, Gyula | Tóth, Sándor | Travani, Giovanni Francesco | Turin, Pierre | Valdec, Rudolf | van der Kellen, David der Jüngere | Varga, Imre | Vass, Csaba | Vassallo, Hieronymus Gerolamo | Vastagh, László | Vatinelle, Ursin Jules | Vermeylen, Frantz | Vernier, Émile Séraphin | Vernon, Frédéric-Charles Victor de | Vernon, Jean de | Vestner, Georg Wilhelm | Vígh, Tamás | Vincze, Pál Paul | Voigt, Carl Friedrich | Vriens, Antoine | Waderé, Heinrich | Warin, Jean | Waugh, Sidney | Webb, Thomas | Weidinger, Johann Friedrich | Weinberger, Anton Rudolf | Weinman, Adolph Alexander | Weinman, Robert Alexander | Wermuth, Christian | Werner, Peter Paul | Widemann, Anton Franz | Wiener, Leopold | Wilczopolska-Kuziemska, Gertruda | Wilmont, Barry Lereng | Witterwulghe, Joseph | Würden, Henri Charles | Würth, Franz Xaver | Wyon, Alfred Benjamin | Wyon, Joseph Shepherd | Wyon, William | Zala, György | Zapparelli, Gaetano | Zeitlin, Alexander | Zierler, Alfred | Zmigrodzki, Konstanty | Zsákodi Csiszér, János | Zuska, František |

Medalsigno - Medalists signature catalogue

The Parthian coin identification is based on David Sellwood work 'An Introduction to The Coinage of Parthia' issued by Spink in 1980. That book is rarely found today. Earlier works also exist and still in use. However these works disagree radically how they attribute a coin to a ruler. This results in a lot of misunderstanding and misidentifying of coins. The aim of this identification application is to both help the experienced collectors to overcome the miss of Sellwood's book, and to give a straightforward classification method for the beginners.

Parthian drachm identifier

The myCollection application is a free coin and medal collection management software. The flexibility and structure of the application makes it suitable for other collectibles, like stamps, napkins, etc. Even auto model collectors use it. Generally it is useful on areas where one or two relevant picture is enough (like obverse and reverse in the case of coins), although there is a possibility to attach more pictures. More...

Collection management software

Astronomy on coins and medals

